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Friday, February 03, 2006

Puppy Bowl

So last year I wactched this during the boring parts of the game (mostly when the anounncers talk during halftime). They showed in on Christmas or New Years too. At least flip over for a few minutes of Puppy Bowl fun. It seriously is just a camera aimed at a small arena painted like a football field with puppies in it. I don't really mean for this blog to be an homage to cuteness but seriously people. 3 HOURS OF PUPPIES. You can't argue with that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With Kittens at half time.............this is what my local paper has promised.

8:32 PM  
Blogger kate.d. said...

yes! puppy bowl rules! we discovered this last year, to much delight all around.

and the kitten half time show was freaking great this year. that little gray one was such an instigator! :)

2:06 PM  

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