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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Grant dreams

Yesterday was the deadline for a small grant and I whipped up a proposal for it just in time. I freaked out about 30 minutes before my own deadline (they never specified 5pm or midnight so I went with 5) because I was so excited about my new, cool angle on one of my experiments that I forgot to write a title. And the new angle makes it pretty difficult to explain without sounding like it is BS or that I am making up new terms. Crap! I ran down to V's office to bounce possible title off him, (as I was in serious anxiety mode) and everything he suggested actually was helpful? NO, everything he suggested had the word 'Dude' in it. Thanks, honey*!

Finally, something came to me and it will be alright. Not the best title I've ever used but also not the worst. What was the worst was that I woke up in the middle of the night after having a dream that I spelled (spelt? I suck words) the species name wrong in the title. I had to check it firstthinginthemorning and, luckily, it is correct.

Now, I hope grants and papers all stay out of my dreams for a while...

*Ok, he did make me laugh but that didn't last long when I realized that now I had spent 5 minutes laughing at him and still had no title.


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