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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

With all your power....

OH MY GOSH! Flaming Lips MUSICAL? Now, that doesn't exactly sound like a great idea but I am completely excited for it none-the-less.

I have a long saga with this band. I was supposed to go see them with a friend as a last minute thing in 1999 when I was a sophomore in college. It was the night before spring break and he decided not to go at the last minute. I had never heard their music so -no big deal. During that break I heard 'The Soft Bulletin' for the first time while driving to Atlanta to do service work for the week. I was hooked. Stories of confetti, balloons and dressing up like rabbits at their live shows had me obsessed with seeing them. They toured again, rides fell through, tickets were sold out, etc etc. Finally, after 5 different concerts missed, I saw them in 2003. I told this story in line to my friend and some nice man who was standing in front of us with his college-radio-dj-daughter gave me his backstage pass to dress up and dance onstage. It was amazing. I was a goldfish. I lost my voice, danced my head off and then went for pancakes. Since then, I have seen them on New Years Eve in Chicago and ran into Wayne Coyne while waiting for a Decemberists show during SXSW in Austin (I directed him towards the bathroom). Artgirl, Hamster_grrl, V and I got to see them together last August. I would go see them a million more times but never thought it would be on Broadway! Yippee!!

Ok, back to my very busy work day now.....(no really...)



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